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Shinshu Kirei純米吟醸 ひとごこち純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
Shinshu Kirei Check-in 1
Shinshu Kirei Check-in 2Shinshu Kirei Check-in 3
Buy at the liquor store's online store This is my 200th commemorative check-in ✅🎉. But then I miscounted... the last one was the 200th bottle. But I opened a special bottle to commemorate the occasion 🍶This is delicious😊. The memorable first bottle that got me hooked on Shinshu Kamerei. I had already had a bottle this year, but I bought another bottle to replace it, and opened it to my heart's content! The balance of freshness and sweetness of the mouthfeel is as delicious as ever 😋. Among the Shinshu Kamerei, Hitogokochi has the strongest freshness and fruity sweetness, so you can drink as much as you want 😊It's really good 🍽. Thank you very much! The 200th bottle to commemorate the occasion (just in case)! There are still many brands I haven't tried yet and I'm looking forward to a life of sake 🍶 Please keep up the good work 🤲.
Chilled Tomato Good evening(^o^)Congratulations on your 200th bottle check-in(^o^)Hitogokochi of Kamerei as a commemorative sake! It's delicious, isn't it😊I also like Hitogokochi the best among Kamerei's sake!
Congratulations on your 200 check-ins, chilled tomatoes㊗️🎉🎊201 to be exact🤭. Shinshu Kamerei is delicious💕Hitogokochi is my favorite too😊💕. Let's continue to enjoy encountering delicious sake 🤗
Good evening, chilled tomatoes 🌃😀😀 Congratulations on your 200th check-in! Congratulations on your 200th check in 🎉🎉🎉Congratulations on your 200th check in 🎉🎉🎉You are a good number in Shinshu Kamerei 😚👍Let's drink more and more delicious sake 🥳.
Hello chilled tomatoes😃 Congratulations on your 200 check-ins 🍅🍅🎉! Our first Shinshu Kamerei was Hitogokochi too ❗️ it's really delicious 😊.
Good evening, chilled tomatoes! 😄 Congratulations on your 200th check-in 🎉㊗️ Shinshu Kamerei is really delicious and has become hard to find at once. Please continue to drink up while exploring new places 😆👍.
Good evening, Mr. Sashiu! Congratulations! Hitogokochi is one of my favorite sake from Shinshu Kamerei, and it's also my starting point, so it's an appropriate bottle to commemorate the occasion. ☺️ I must say, it's a real treat!
Good evening, Tsubu-chan! Congratulations 🙇. It is now 201 check-in! All Shinshu Kamerei is delicious, but the joy of finding a new brand that you like is also very exciting 😊. Have a good sake life with each other! 🍶
Good evening Maechen-san! Good evening 🙇. Personally, I still want to open a bottle of Shinshu Kamerei for special occasions 😊. But I'm excited that there will be many more sake that I haven't found yet♪
Good evening Jay & Nobby! Congratulations! I'm with you that this is the first time I've had Hitokochi! I still remember the feeling I had when I took my first sip 😋! I still remember the feeling I had when I took my first sip 😋! It really is one of my favorites 😊.
Good evening MAJ! Congratulations 🙇. It's really getting hard to find 😞. But if it tastes this good, I guess it's understandable... I'm going to continue to drink as much as I can, including finding new ones, without collapsing!