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Rafa papa
Amano-shu Ginjo-genshu Osaka Ai 💖 after a long time It was given to me by a customer but there was no one to drink it. It was left on my desk at work... 🥲. I couldn't stand it so I took it home. I kept it in the fridge at home for a while and opened the bottle 🍾. After drinking it, my wife said to me... 'It's just like the label says it is'... Classic as it used to be😅 It has a lot of bad taste, strong habit and strong alcohol taste My wife's glass stopped ✋😓😓... But... After a while, when the temperature rises... 😳 The flavor is beautifully rounded and very tasty 😓😓. round and very tasty 😋😋. It was the right decision to leave it at room temperature 🤣. Then let's drink heated sake 😁. Caramelized sweetness and good acidity... The taste is even more rounded 🤤. My wife can't stop drinking 🤣. It was quite a deep tasting sake 🤤.
Hi Rafa papa 😀 I would not pick up this sake in my house because of the label 🤣. I wonder if it is in the same vein as Amano sake which is famous for its monk sake❓ I'd like to try some of the sake that tastes very different at different temperatures 🤣.
I was wondering why Rafa drank something so unusual, but it turned out to be a gift. And "I couldn't stand it..." is just like the old tale of "Kasa Jizo"... I guess that kind of virtue will lead to the premier get.
Hi Rafa papa 😃 I am sure there is a good thing in leftovers! I'm sure it will be a good thing for you 🤗 Is it the type of classic sake that turns into a good wine when heated! Nice decision👍 It's good warmed up 🍶, Osaka Ai ❤️
Rafa papa
Hi Yasbaye 😃 It's a monk's sake from Kongoji temple 😊 there are not many sake drinkers in my company...so it's a bit tough for those who don't usually drink sake 🙄 if you drink it the right way, it will taste good 😋.
Rafa papa
Good evening, Mr. Sakaeran 😃. I wouldn't buy this alcohol for myself 😅but I enjoyed it 😋this doesn't mean I'm virtuous 😁I just want to drink myself or alcohol... 🤣
Rafa papa
Good evening Jay & Nobby😃. There is good fortune in leftovers... 😳⁉️You say it so well 🤣Sake Run-san calls it a premier Get... and it feels good to be told that it will surely be good 😌Osaka love ❤️ with a warm sake 🍶 every once in a while!
Good evening, Rafa! I'm in the Kansai region, but I still haven't tried many of the sake from Osaka 💦It looks even better when it's heated up 💦I'm glad your wife enjoyed the warmed sake 😉.
Good evening, Rafa 😃. I thought it was an unusual choice for Rafa, but that's what happened 😁. The sake I bought at the brewery was rather modern and tasty 😋.
Rafa papa
Hi Ponchan 😃 I can drink this kind of alcohol without any resistance, but my wife is a picky eater... very easy to understand 🤣I'm glad you drank it heated up 😁.
Rafa papa
Hello bouken 😃 I wouldn't buy this drink myself 😁 but it's still interesting because it tastes good when you drink it 😌I see you have some modern style drinks 😳⁉️ I'll get some more and bring them back home 🤣.