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Rafa papaRafa papa
Honkin純米 純米 山恵錦 無濾過生原酒純米原酒生酒無濾過
Honkin Check-in 1
Honkin Check-in 2Honkin Check-in 3
Rafa papa
Honkin Junmai Yamae-Nishiki Unfiltered Unrefined Nama Shu May 5th is Children's Day 🎏. Maru-san and I went on a liquor store tour... The second store is Hata Sake Shop😊. The sake we chose was... Honkin👍‼️ At Hata Sake Shop in the first half of GW... I went to the cash register for a bottle of Hokian Okuni Yuki-Chu-Age and a bottle of Honkin... Then the owner smiled and said 😊... I've got it for you 😳 Put the honkin back in the fridge😅... 🐢Take it home 🤣 Very lucky ✌️‼️ So many people want to drink it but can't... Maru wrote about it in her zenkichi review... I wasn't expecting to be able to buy it this time... I drank Hitogochiki Junmai Ginjo on draft... So I bartered with Maru-san: ✌️ We went to visit a liquor store with a reason for delivery. Revisited Hata Sake Shop... I bought some more Honkin that I put back in the fridge the other day 😌... The taste... according to Maru-san...  I can't imagine it from the bold label.  Modern sake  It's gradually sweet...  Sourness quickly envelops you...  It soaks into your body😊.  Good ‼️  Will buy again‼️ Awesome👍‼️ It's a perfect 💯💮👏👏👏. I am impressed with your precise expression😌. I couldn't wait to drink it and forgot to take a picture 💦. All the photos this time are empty bottles🤣
Hi Rafa papa 😀 I also visited Hata-san during GW, but no 🐢🤣. I'm impressed that Rafa papa is able to build such a trusting relationship with the store 😇.
Hi Rafa 😊 Thank you for exchanging your precious 🐢🙇. Honkin, it is a wonderful bottle that makes me want to drink it again. Thank you again for the 💯 grade on my poor description 🤣.
Rafa, it's great that you buy again while putting back the main money 😆‼️ trust with the liquor store is important 😆.
Good evening Rafa papa 😃. People brew, sell and drink sake, so I think it is a condition for a good drinker to be able to build a trusting relationship with them ☺️ It's great that you and Mr. Hata have built a really solid trusting relationship 😊.
Rafa papa
Good morning Yasbaye 😃 Yasubeyesan because I bought 🥇🐢😊I politely declined the golden tortoise and he offered me Hitogokochi which was in stock a while ago 😌It's nice to see such thoughtfulness 😁.
Rafa papa
Good morning Maru 😃 Many people want to drink 🐢 but can't 🥲I live in a place where it's relatively easy to get 😊I'd be happy to give back from time to time to those who can't drink 😊and I'd be happy to see more fans of Hata's... 😊
Rafa papa
Good morning Manachy 😃 I went there with the intention of buying the main gold and I found Mr. 🐢 so I put it back in the fridge 😅I went to collect the main gold the next week 😁Hata liquor store has been good to me 😊...
Rafa papa
Good morning Aladdin 😃. Hata liquor store has a lot of unique and delicious drinks 😋 I stopped chasing rare drinks when I realized that there are a lot of good drinks even if they are not popular 😁🐢 except for 🐢...still greedy 🤣.