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Kinryo Setouchi Olive Junmai Ginjo I went to Kompira Onsen in Kagawa ♨♨ A trip to enjoy hot springs and udon noodles! Since we are here, we also decided to visit Konpira-gu Shrine, which is famous for being called "Kompira-san" ⛩. The approach to the shrine is a series of famous stone steps. There were lots of stores, too, which was fun. Then... I found a sake brewery on the approach to the shrine 👀. I went inside and learned a lot more about the brewery than the sake brewery. I bought this sake 🍶. The taste is... More fruity than I expected 😲. It is sweet on the palate, but it also has a sourness that is refreshing and clean. But it is slightly dry 🙄. To be honest, I wasn't expecting it, but it might be surprisingly tasty 🤔 It's a sake full of local love, made with yeast found in Kagawa's olive groves and sake rice grown in Kagawa! Sake like this makes me want to support them 😊.
Good evening, Mr. Shiri 🌆I see you are with your usual monkey at the hot spring as well 😆. Kagawa prefecture is nice ☺️ I would like to visit Marugame city 😆.
Good evening, Manachie☆(*´ч`*) Actually... this monkey is the one that was at the sake brewery's sales place 🐵💦 but I took my regular one too 🐒✨Kagawa's udon is too bad! It changes the way you feel about udon😌😌.
Good evening, Mr. Shieri 😃. We had the same one exactly one year ago 👍All Kagawa sake 🍶I remember thinking it was too light at first but the taste grew with the food 😊. At first I thought it was too light, but I remember that the taste grew with the food 😊.
Good morning, Shieri 😃. I see you went to Kagawa👍. I'm interested in this sake but I've never seen it and I'm jealous ‼️
Good morning, Shiri-San. ☀️ I like the trip to enjoy hot springs and udon noodles in Kagawa 😆 I went to Kompira-san on a school trip 😆 There was a sake brewery on the approach ❣️ I would definitely go in there now 🤣 I would love to drink all Kagawa sake 😋.
Hi, Shieri~, ☀️ I'm so glad you had a wonderful trip! I would love to visit a sake brewery on the way to visit Konpira-san.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby*! Yes, yes, yes! The first bite was a little unsatisfying, but it just got better and better. I was so impressed with the udon noodles 😌, I knew Kagawa's udon was on a different level ✨.
Good evening, Haruei Chichi☆(*´ч`*) Kagawa prefecture is not too far from Nara. I enjoyed "Kompira-san" too 😌 I drank olive yeast sake for the first time and it was quite tasty 😆.
Good evening, Tsubu-chan! I see you've been to Kompira-san! In Kansai, we often go to Ise for school excursions ⛩If there is a sake brewery in the sightseeing area, the satisfaction of the trip will be a blast 😁Which sake brewery should we go to next🤔?
Pon-chan, I was aiming for Kagawa sake like "Sanuki Kuraudai" 🙄 I had no idea there was such a sake brewery on the approach 😲 I had never heard of this sake but it was delicious 😌 Thanks for the unexpected encounter 😌.
Shelli - Synchronization Good evening! Sanuki udon in Kagawa is a little different from the udon you get at chain restaurants here in Kanto! It's delicious, isn't it? And there's no reason why it can't go well with the sake from Kagawa! It's fun to meet people and drink when you travel, isn't it?
Good evening, Kozo-san sync, 🐴. I heard that Marugame Seimen's reputation is not so good in Kagawa and there is only one store 🙄 I guess the real udon is still too levety and the most cheat 🤔 The sake was delicious too.