SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Yuhoあかのゆうほ 生酛純米吟醸【火入原酒】
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Talking about last Thursday, Jay came home from work and said, "I found it!" Nobby with a big smile on his face 😊. I immediately knew he was talking about sake 😆 He said he found Yuho at a liquor store he was interested in in Tochigi City, where he sometimes goes for errands: ‼️ I had heard from Mamio that the only stores in Tochigi that carry Yuho are Saito Sake Shop and Owada Sake Shop. But he couldn't find a four-pack at Saito 😢Noby happened to go to a liquor store and bingo👍Mamio's invisible power may have moved Nobby 😁. The flashy red label says it's a summer sake that goes perfectly with summer stamina food...hmmm? Summer sake⁉️ okay 😅 I'll have it cold first 🎵 It has an astringent taste, but the firm umami and acidity match, so it's not a refreshing summer sake at all 😚. But it's good in winter too 😋. Next, when served lukewarm, the acidity came out in full force, and I couldn't help but let out a gasp 🫢I wondered if this was more suited for cold sake. I was surprised to see the acidity of the sake was so strong and full of flavor. I was surprised to find that the sourness of the dough was not as strong as it was in the lukewarm version, but it was better than the lukewarm version. But I thought it was best served cold 😚.
Jay & Nobby, good evening ⭐I'm not a fan of Youho's mountain grated type 😅I haven't had this red because the liquor store, knowing my taste, stopped me 😅But I guess it's just a matter of taste, it seems to go well with a gutsy meal!
Jay & Nobby. Thanks for the Ishikawa sake comparison! Youho and Tedorigawa are nationally known even if they are not Ishikawa sake. The stories of Mr. Fujita, the president of Yuho's Goso Sake Brewery, a woman from Tokyo, and Mr. Yokomichi, who was born in Osaka but became a chief brewer in Noto, are quite interesting.
Jay & Nobby, good evening 😊The other day, Beta Alanine mentioned Seki Fat Sake Shop in Moka, which has a good selection of local Tochigi sake, and occasionally carries Yuho, Narumi, Niida Honke, etc. 🤗It's a unique liquor store 🤭.
Good morning, Jay & Nobby 😃. I'll input the Ouada liquor store 📝.
Hi Mamio 😃 I had a lot of [Akka no Yuho] in stock that day 😅I guess I had to buy this one 😊I've heard of Dr. Stop, but liquor store stop 😆 You totally know my taste 🤗.
Hi WOM 😃 Quintessence! You know a lot of things 🤗Yuho is a favorite of Nobby's and I'll be following it again 😋.
Hello, Kotori 😃! Oooh! Thank you for the local information 😊 Seki Fat Sake Shop! It's a bit far 😅I'll go take a peek once 🤗.
Hello, Bosuke 😃 Please check the sake sold on the internet before you go and see 👋