SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Hoken純米吟醸 八反錦 湧水仕込純米吟醸
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I was at a liquor store the other day, talking to a clerk I know. "Do you have any dry sake with a great sharpness? Only brands I've never had before." I asked him if he had any dry sake with excellent sharpness. I've had about 70% of the brands this liquor store carries. I've been drinking about 70% of the brands this liquor store carries, but the fact that they are the first to offer it to me shows that they totally remember me. I'll be there on the weekend too, just in time for Sherlock's arrival 😁. Almost no aroma? Almost no aroma? Slightly rice and alcohol 🤔. When you put it in your mouth, you can feel that the excess has been completely removed. It's very refreshing and clear like water 😆. The alcohol gives it a great sharpness, but it's a little too sharp if you drink it cold. But if you drink it cold, it's a little bit lacking 😥. Raise the temperature range a bit and drink it cold 🎶. The aroma doesn't change much, but the flavor of the rice comes out. The aroma doesn't change much, but the rice flavor comes out and the umami is very strong 😋. The sharpness is still there and it's really good 😍. I paired it with some smoked oysters and it was a great match 🎶. It's a light and dry sake that's great as a food sake 👍
Good morning etorannzyu! I'm looking for a light and dry sake, which is unusual for my usual drinking habits 🤔I'm sure you'll find a light and dry one to go with your meal 😆.
Good morning, etorannzyu 😊. I've been drinking a lot of fruity wine lately, so I'd like to try something different 😁I'm excited to see your review of this delicious light and dry wine, I think it would go well with summer meals 😄.
Good evening, etorannzyu! When I make the same request at a liquor store in Akita, they almost always bring me something like Kariho or Dodara (lol) since there are not many places that carry sake from other prefectures💦.
Good morning etorannzyu 😃. Yesterday's offline meeting was a great success👍. It was great to talk to Eririn on LINE phone 📞 too! Maybe I should go to Tohoku for Shinshin SY's business trip 🤗.
Good morning, Manachy 😃. I don't mind dry 😋. Most of the people in my house prefer the sweeter ones so it's hard for me to open it unless it's for solo drinking 😅.
Good morning, Pon-chan 😃 Sake has a wide variety of flavors and tastes 🤣. If you drink only the same kind of sake, you will get tired of it 👍.
Good morning, T.KISO 😃. It's a dry sake representing Akita 🤣. I have an image that many liquor stores in Akita specialize in Akita sake anyway 😅.
Good morning, Haruei Chichi 😃. Glad you had a good time😍. I'm working at night here 😭 And now I'm going back to work 😥. If you can come here, please let me know as soon as possible and I'll do my best to accommodate you 👍.