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2 check-ins

Brands from Miyake Shuzo


917 Nakanochō, Kasai, Hyogo
map of Miyake Shuzo
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つちをきく Check-in 1
一本義 仙介🇺🇦
Sake from Kasai City, Hyogo Prefecture. It was purchased at a sake expo held at Kobe Hankyu. According to the brewer, "It has hardly ever left Kasai. It is true that I have never seen it in Kobe. This time, I drank it cold. It has a noble sweetness with a hint of sourness. The two tastes of sourness, like grapes and plums, are combined with a spiciness that comes gently from the back. When combined with the snacks, it disappears while leaving a strong flavor. It tastes more like fresh, clear water than earth. How about if you heat it up? It has a lightness as if the top layer of spiciness and acidity has been saved, while the depth of the flavor is thick. But it is not only light, it also has the power to hold up to strong flavored snacks (bonito sashimi, deep-fried tofu, salted bitter gourd, etc.). The richness and strength of the heated sake is aptly evocative of the earth. This might be a little bit addictive (though a bit pricey).

Brands from Miyake Shuzo
