コジコジ春乃峰楓葉原酒生酒無濾過田中酒造Shiga4/1/2024, 4:07:12 AM4/1/2024COCOSHIGA (ここ滋賀)20コジコジIt tastes great chilled. Indeed, it is like a white wine with a sour taste. Seems to go well with white fish.Japanese>English
J.laedlein春乃峰楓葉特別純米原酒無濾過田中酒造Shiga3/31/2024, 6:39:32 AM3/31/202414J.laedleinBad lettuce aroma, sour.ChrisbrzThat does not sound appealing. sad.
NomBay春乃峰吟醸田中酒造Shiga11/18/2023, 11:01:18 AM14NomBayIs this on? Or off? Alone, it's strange. When drunk with a strong drink, it's kind of nice.Japanese>English