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3 check-ins

Brands from 森戸酒造


尚仁沢 Check-in 1
尚仁沢 Check-in 2尚仁沢 Check-in 3
At the end of October, I went to Tochigi prefecture for a classmate's wedding. I decided to buy some local sake to take home, and I chose this one on a hunch. I thought the water would be good if it was a sawa, right? It's a very dumb reason to be like that.... Great table of drinking instructions for beginners! I had it cold. The first sip seems a bit thin, but it's somewhat satisfying. The aroma is alcohol-like. The more you drink it, the sweeter it becomes. This is delicious! Water is good after all (that's what it is). I'll keep the rest for lukewarm 🥰 Well, I like the idea of Junmai slightly dry! The crispness is good, and the balance with the sweetness is very good. I think I might prefer a slightly sweet or slightly spicy drink that isn't too shaken up.

Brands from 森戸酒造
