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Brands from Kumaya Shuzo


705 Hayashi, Kurashiki, Okayama
map of Kumaya Shuzo
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Six colorful horizontal stripes It is made with white peach yeast, so it somehow has a peach flavor reminiscent of the winter moon! This sake is also Sakabayashi's original sake and is made by Kumaya Sake Brewery, which brews Ishichi! To finish off the entrée, we ordered Hiruzen-style yakisoba and drank the sake while eating the yakisoba 🍶. Knowing the secrets of Hiruzen style yakisoba This junmai sake is made by TAKEO 20 Project, a collaboration of agriculture, commerce, industry, and university students, using specially cultivated Omachi rice from Tatebe-cho, Kita-ku, Okayama City. It is a clean, tasty, and crisp sake. 100% Omachi rice grown in Tatebe-cho, Kita-ku, Okayama City, using Hakuto yeast Alcohol content: 18%. Sake degree: 1 Acidity: 2.0 Rice polishing ratio: 70 Rice used: Omachi

Brands from Kumaya Shuzo