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106 Baba, Sakura, Tochigi
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Last night I held back on the evening drinks. I had Houou Mita for lunch, and I am afraid that too much wonderful sake is served every day. Oh, I had a good beer. The "Organic Naturals" series is The "Organic Naturals" series is a fusion of ancient traditional methods without additives and modern state-of-the-art technology. Organic Kame-no-o, harvested locally in Sakura City, is milled to over 90% and hardly polished, so you can feel the full strength of the Kame-no-o. The yeast that lives in the brewery is incorporated, and the sake is brewed naturally in a wooden vat. Only at this time of the year, it is available as unfiltered, unpasteurized sake. The woody, banana aroma is fantastic 😆. I hear that the Senkin brand will be rebranded from next summer's production. I'm busy enjoying it, thinking that it may be limited to this season. Yummmm!