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Brands from Ozawa Shuzo


2-chōme-770 Sawai, Ome, Tōkyō-to
map of Ozawa Shuzo
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After hiking in Okutama, we got off at Sawai Station and went to "Seiryu Garden Sawanoi-en". It is almost heavenly to be able to enjoy delicious sake at a reasonable price & while viewing the clear autumn stream. First, we ordered the recommended "Houou" sake. The price was 500 yen per glass, including the sake cup. It was delicious. It is refreshing and easy to drink, yet has a strong umami flavor. Sawanoi is a sake I used to drink often. The taste of Sawanoi is also memorable, but it has a refined taste. After ordering, I realized that this sake costs 1.8L/12,000 yen!

Brands from Ozawa Shuzo