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Brands from Michizakura Shuzo

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This is the second time Yui Yui has been sold since the fire one. Last time it was a black label sold with a copy of the remaining label pasted on it. This time, we will have a hybrid label and stopper made by Sanzen Sakura, with Yui Yui as the manufacturer. This time, the label is Yui Yui and the stopper is Sansei Sakura. The aroma of the top is a modest ginjo aroma. The first impression was a fruity taste with a refreshing sweetness and umami! My first impression was "fruitiness! It is a relief to put it in the mouth. The mild yet fruity aftertaste and the acid bitterness at the end are also gentle and mild. It is moist and delicious! Don't abuse me, I'll speak sake on my own. 〜The feeling of being able to give an SOS is important! Thank you very much for your hospitality!

Brands from Michizakura Shuzo