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明眸志野 にごりさけ生酒にごり酒
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I was looking at the liquor store's shipment and saw a huge explosion alert, so I was curious and went to buy some 🍶. I feel like the cap is swelling up, so please play against me 👊. ...But I foul-armed it and put it in the freezer for a bit before opening the bottle and it opened without spewing at all. Cheating is not good. The aroma is a whiff of sweet and sour, a sweet sake type sweet and sour that I've been coming across a lot lately. When you take a sip, it's quite a bit of a sizzle! The top clear layer is a koji rice soda that tends to be refreshing, with a slight bitterness. When mixed, it has a strong carbonation. It is not sticky, but has a slight bitter taste. It is not sticky, but has a slight grapefruit-like freshness, and then the taste of rice and bitterness. Combined with the malty taste, it is a mild and refreshing sweet, sour, and bitter schwa🫧. It's interesting how the mouthfeel is curdled before mixing, but becomes fluffy after mixing. After a few days, it starts to pear a little. Maybe the carbonation has weakened a bit and the flavor can be felt? It comes close to refreshing and tastes good too. When heated, it has a light sweetness. It is the sweetness of cooked rice, but it also has a slight alcohol taste and can be cut clear: ♨️ It is not as strong as it looks, but it is very tasty and goes down a treat.