SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites


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This sake is made by Nakamura Shuzo in Ishikawa Prefecture. Ishikawa prefecture is famous for Kikuhime. When I went to Kanazawa for work last year, I tried many kinds of sake from Ishikawa, but I found many of them had a nostalgic taste and I didn't like them. The reason why I dared to buy it was because I was attracted by the new breed of sake rice, "Hyakumangoku no Shiro", which was developed by Ishikawa prefecture over 11 years. 😚 I opened the bottle with interest and expectation. It has a pleasant and gentle sweetness, and a gorgeous aroma. It's very juicy~☺️. The sweetness lingers on the palate while the rice flavor dances on the tongue and fades away. Satisfying 😍! Check out "Hyakumangoku no Shiro" 😁.

Brands from Nakamura Shuzo