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マック 松山山越店

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マック 松山山越店
December 5, 2023 Dinner at home. I got some delicious looking yellowtail fillets. so I hurried to the neighborhood drugstore to buy some sake. to the local drugstore to buy sake. I chose Umanishiki's Eisho. The color is almost colorless and transparent. At room temperature at room temperature, it is dry and soaks in like water. It has a slightly sweet and bitter aftertaste. When heated When heated, the aroma and umami stand out, and aroma and umami, and it is delicious when heated. It tastes great at room temperature or hot I felt that the flavor became I felt that the flavor became more intense as I drank it. It can be enjoyed at any temperature. It is a wallet-friendly sake that can be enjoyed at any temperature. It can be enjoyed at any temperature.