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AEON Mall (イオンモール浦和美園)

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Chiyomusubi鬼太郎 純吟純米吟醸
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AEON Mall (イオンモール浦和美園)
Hey ❗ Kitaro‼️. I can't help but say that. For some reason I thought that when I saw the label. This is my first time in Tottori. I bought some Chiyomusubi rice cake to try. There were labels of Kitaro and Nezumi Otoko, but I chose the Junmai Ginjo Kitaro. By the way, I think Nezumi Otoko is Junmai. It tastes like an old-fashioned sake. The aroma was not that great😅. I think it's dry but you can taste the sweetness and umami of the rice so it's very easy to drink 😄🎵. I think it's a good sake to drink while eating because you won't get tired of drinking it.
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AEON Mall (イオンモール浦和美園)
It's sparkling sake again. Kamishin no shuwa shuwa. There was an exhibition of products from Tottori and Okayama, so I dropped by on my way home from work and bought it along with a cup of sake from Tottori. Be careful to open the bottle too! And the bottle is black, so I almost blew up when I opened it😅. It looks a bit white and lightly nigori. Fruity aroma, sweet and easy to drink, delicious 🎵. Alcohol 5.5%, I drank it all 🎵. 250ml is not much. It's good for tasting 😅.