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Kuromatsu Hakushikaきらとろ GOLD純米吟醸
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Today's sake is the one I brought home after tasting it at the Shiraga store last November when we went on a sake brewery tour in Nada-Gogo 😀. Kaorin said there was a small piece of garbage floating in it when she tasted it for a fee first and tried to get me to change it 😅I had to stop her because she was embarrassed 😅. I took it home and looked at it carefully and found it was gold dust 🤣. The taste was as good as you'd expect from the sake brewery store 😀. However, the amount of gold dust in it is very small, so if it was just a small amount in the tasting, I would have thought it was a piece of trash in the sake 🤣.
I'm embarrassed🫣-! This comment💦I didn't think it was gold dust at the time 😿 and the amount was slight, I could tell it was gold when I had it in a glass 🥂 😉.
Hi Yasbay & Kaorin 🐦. I've never seen it before😳I'd buy it just by looking at the bottle😁. I'm sure I would have asked you to change the size of the gold dust 〰! I would have told them to change it 😂I'm proud of you for stopping short!
Hi Ponchan 🌞This bottle is really beautiful and I want to keep it 😍!
Good evening Yasube & Kaorin 😃. When I bought it 5-6 years ago, it was sold here as raw sake 😊The gold leaf was separately served at that time so that you can add it to your taste 😁It is true that a small amount of gold powder looks like garbage 💦.
Good evening, Pon 😀 The sake itself was a good, robust and tasty sake, but the amount of gold dust was a bit half-assed 🤣. It said it was limited in quantity, so I don't think it's available anywhere else very often😇.
Good evening, bouken 😀 I didn't know it had been around for that long, and it was a fresh sake 🤣. I've never seen a sake with gold dust as a separate ingredient before, but if it was attached, I'd put it all in unconditionally😇.
Rafa papa
Good morning Yasbay 😃. Kaorin-san is a surprisingly natural 😁I often have to look for it when I drink alcohol with gold dust in it, so what Kaorin-san drank was a hit 🎯.
Hi Rafa papa 😀 If it had been a winner, there would have been a lot more and he would have known it was gold dust, but since there was only one, he thought it was garbage 🤣. It's not surprising, it's natural 😇