Last 🥂.
Wine yeast brewing 🍷.
Wine yeast lovers 😸🍎 agree!
(🍏chan is strong, so anything goes)
Something to nibble on and choose your favorite veggies: ☺️
I see people doing sake-no-wa in Aomori too, so I'll let you know the next time we have a drinking party 😊.
And so on and so on, we lost track of time with chatting again 🍨.
The day had changed 😂😂.
Thank you for a great time!
I'll be back 😸😸.
Girls' night out and fishing 🏕600km🚗³₃
Erin Good evening ^ ^
Beautifully presented dish, looks delicious✨
I forget how time flies when I'm having fun 😁.
You're so light on footwork, traveling 600km for a girls' night out and fishing 👍
Erin, good evening 🌆.
Thanks for the girls' meeting 🌆❗️
I'm sure you're doing a great job of digging up members in the north-northeast 👍.
Erin, thanks for the girls drinking party and review 😊.
We had a lot of fun drinking and talking 😆🎶I'm sure some people will come if they know we have a girls' night 👍I hope there will be more 👍❣️
By the way, 600km is amazing 😳 As expected!
Manta-san konban-ha!
It all happened so fast 😳
I can't believe I met you and had a drink with you for the first time 😆.
600 in 3 days (๑¯﹀¯๑)✌✌
Haruei Chichi-san konbanhar ⸜Thanks for the decision.
Seriously, it was fun to have a drink without feeling like we were meeting for the first time⸜(*ˊˋ*)⸜(*ˊˋ*)✨.
This time it was a girl's party but when I asked it was OK for men and women🍻 so I'll let you know next time😊.
Pon-chan konbanha!
This time I was able to get it to fit in with my vacation and it was a girls' night out on short notice, but it was fun 🥰.
It's easy to get around because it's only about 200 a day and it's easy to get around ☺️
We can't stop talking about sake when we get together 😁.
Good evening Eririn 😃.
Looks like a fun girls' night out, fishing 🎣 and driving 🚗 You are a very energetic and dynamic Eririn 😊Tohoku will be a lot of fun 🤗.
J&N, congrats on the decision.
I checked the weather and schedule and it looks like we can go around so I asked for a drinking party on short notice😊.
I'm not the organizer of the Tohoku drinking party💦.
I'm organizing for a small and casual drink 😊.
Hi Erin 😊
I enjoyed reading your review of the girls' night 😄🎶 I'm sure you had a great time getting together with other sake-loving girls, chatting, drinking, and enjoying the delicious food 😆💞💞.
I hope the circle of sakewa girls will expand 🤗
Tsubu-chan, konbanhaha!
I saw your name and thought it was a woman and was about to call you a man too (⌒-⌒;)
First it's a girl's party, next time it could be either one 😊.
I'll be satisfied if I can make a chance to get to know each other ( ¯﹀¯ )