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Shisora純米吟醸 綿あめラベル純米吟醸原酒
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Today we have a cotton candy label for Murasakyuu. This is a low-alcohol test brew of Murasakyu, brewed by the first female Nanbu Touji, Hiromi Ono. It has a strange aroma of plum-like sourness and whey in the forefront, with a hint of honey in the background. The mouthfeel is smooth with a slightly thickened texture, and it is guttural sweet from the first sip! From the straight sweetness of cotton candy, the sourness of plums, which was also present in the aroma, spreads after a slight delay in the mix. The mouth is moistened with saliva in one bite. The nose also has a hint of yogurt, and the sweet and sourness disappears in the mouth in a flash. A slight sweet and sour taste lingers in the aftertaste, which also reminds one of the sticky feeling of cotton candy. The taste when the sweet and sourness passes through the nose after the mid-palate is accompanied by a slight bitterness and astringency, giving it a plum wine feel. The alcohol content is 9%, which is quite low, and the intoxicating effect is like cotton candy. ☁️ This is a very selective sake. It is not a sake to drink when you want to drink sake, but if you like very sweet sake such as ume-shu, you can drink it as an aperitif or after a meal with cheese or sweets. It was an extremely sweet and sour dessert sake with sharp characteristics worthy of the Challenge Tank 🍶.
アラジンさん、こんにちは😀 紫宙さんを今年の深掘り酒にしようと思っていますが、いつもの紫宙さんとはかなり路線が違うお酒みたいですね🤣 どんな感じか、私も試してみたくなります😀
Good morning, Yasube! It's a test brew and it's quite different from the usual purple air 😄I guess they didn't brew the unrefined sake completely and left the sugar and other ingredients to make a low alcohol sake, it has a kind of amazake atmosphere. ☺️
Good morning, Aladdin. I'm not sure if I'll buy from Haretoke, but after reading your review I've decided to buy it 😊. I'm looking forward to the plum wine feeling 😋.
Good morning, Aladdin! The label design made me say wow, but with 9% alcohol, I can see how it would be fluffy and intoxicating 😁. If it's a trial, I'd prefer something sharp myself ✨.
Hi bouken 😃 I bought mine at Haretoke 😁. I was thinking of drinking wakamusume🍶 again next time, but I might not be able to because I put tomegawa-san and this 🥀 sake in the free space in my fridge 🥲I wish I could drink more😌.
Hi Gyve 😃 The other day Wakata was drinking Beau Michelle cotton candy, this was my cotton candy 😁. I think it probably took a lot of courage to introduce this flavor to the world 😅.
Aladdin-san konban-ha (o´ omega`o)no~~ I'm waiting 🥰. I'm waiting for the opening timing to make it to 100🍶 in Iwate ☺️
Good evening, Eirin 😃. I see you are waiting 😄. All of Iwate's sake is delicious, but the purple air is good. ☺️ You can look forward to a fluffy drunken feeling like cotton candy after drinking it 😊.
Aladdin, good evening 😃I thought it was the pink sake rice crane cotton candy 💦This is very low alcohol, I was curious to see how it was. I was curious about this one, but I was watching how it looked.
Good evening, Wakata 😃. Hmmm, this cotton candy was unexpected 😁 well, this is cotton candy, so it was a little foul 😅. It's quite a different taste 😄I wanted to try gassing it up with a soda stream or something 🤔.