SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
大嶺Ohmime Cup
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Sake 🍶 even on a business trip I am on a rare business trip today🧳. I couldn't drink on the bullet train because it was during working hours, so at least I could drink sake 🍶 at the hotel. So, I bought Ohmine Cup. The cup is stylish 🎇. The exterior is a warm silver crystal. The first impact of the freshly opened aroma is surprisingly the sweet sake aroma typical of sake cups. From there, refreshing pear and melon overtake it with a whiff of freshness. The texture is very smooth and silky. The deep sweetness is covered by a refreshing acidity, which spreads out and finishes with a light acidity. The finish is crisp and lingers well. Well, it's been a while, but Omine is delicious ☺️ The flavor is rich, yet has a good acidity that makes it light and has a nice sharpness. Half a cup (100ml) is not enough for such a small cup. Next time, I will buy something in a 4-gou bottle. Since this is not enough, I would like to introduce you to one of the three best taiyakis in Japan, taiyaki from Taiyaki Wakaba in Yotsuya. It is thin-skinned and filled with anko (red bean paste) all the way to the tail, sweet but with a hint of saltiness, which I love to say the least 🥰. I ate this one before I had time to combine it with Ohmine. Thank you for the treat 🍶.
Good evening Aladdin, thank you for your business trip. I'm jealous of the Omine cup...did you buy it at Suzuden🧐I learned about Wakaba's taiyaki on NHK's 72 hours a long time ago and had it, it's delicious 😋I want to eat it in the winter.
Good evening, Aladdin-san. I see that you stopped by Wakaba, so you also went to Suzuden, right? I'm sure you did 🍶.
Good evening, studying 😃. I went to Suzuden but bought this one separately again 🍶. I've been going to Taiyaki Wakaba since before I started drinking sake seriously, but today was my first time at Suzuden. I regretted it was a waste of time until now 😌.
Good evening, Matsuchiyo 😃. Very perceptive 😳Good answer! Or is it inevitable when it's that close 😁. Today was my first time at Suzuden. I didn't have time this time, but if there is a next time, I'd like to have a corner party at Suzuden 🍶.
Good evening, Aladdin 🌛. I found a place that has a cup of "Daimine" and was wondering if I should drink it, but it's not very much 💦. Was this the taiyaki shop featured in Document 72 hours?
Good morning, Gyve 😃. Daimine, I like it but I can't afford to buy a whole bottle and I don't see it when I drink out, so it's nice to have a small amount to see how good it tastes: ☺️ It was on 72 hours 😄I ended up eating 3 of them, including one for the next morning 😋.
Hi Aladdin 🐦. After drinking the same again, I had to check the taste 😁 glad and thank you every time 🙏. Taiyaki 〰😻I love anko (red bean paste), especially grainy red bean paste, so I had to check this one too 😆🙏.
Good evening, Pon 😃. I'm not sure if my comment is correct more than usual 😅I'm sure it was delicious because it was gone before I knew what happened to the matching ☺️ too little! I'm a Kyoto girl when it comes to Japanese sweets, but I think this is the best place for taiyaki 😋.
Good evening, Aladdin 😀 I was really curious about this sake and looked for it in various stores but couldn't find it 😅. But I finally got it today and I'm looking forward to bringing it with me on my next Expo Park walk😇.
Good morning, Yasbay 😃. It tastes great cold and is the perfect accompaniment for walking 🚶🍶. I'm looking forward to seeing you & Kaorin drink it 😊. But anyway it's so small that one per person might not be enough 😁.