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Hoshiizumi星泉 協会5号酵母 うすにごり純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
Hoshiizumi Check-in 1Hoshiizumi Check-in 2
Sake limited to 6 stores nationwide. Purchased from Noboru Sake Shop in Tenri. After ordering from takeshon Sake Shop, I always wanted to go there to buy it. This is the only store in the Kansai region that specializes in Hoshisen. They have an overwhelming selection of famous Nara sake. There are many brands other than Nara that are not available in Kansai, such as Kenshin, Tenka Nishiki, Librom, Shikishima, and Hoshizumi. This time, I only went to Hoshizumi because there were other sake shops I wanted to visit. It has a flavor like Kyoho grapes and a slightly milky taste. It is more refreshing than the Hiragana series, but sweet and delicious. The lingering sweetness of the 🍇 flavor is long. The No. 5 yeast is said to have originated from Kamotsuru. I wonder if Hoshiizumi is a segregated series that uses Hiragana two-digit yeast and Kanji yeast, which is no longer used in modern times.
Good evening, bouken 🌙 I didn't know there was a store in Kansai that sells it 😳‼️ for some reason, there are some attractive liquor stores in far away places 😅. I'd love to taste the Kyoho flavor ❣️
Good evening, Ponchan 😃. This was the main reason I went to Nara 😆. They used to come to department stores for tasting and selling but recently they stopped coming 😥The stores where you can buy Hoshisen in Chinese characters are limited even in Japan so they are very valuable dealers 🤗.
Hi bouken 😃 I didn't know it's only available in 6 stores 😆 I'm thankful I can always buy it near me.
takeshon, good evening 😃. The kanji label seems to be limited to 6 stores 🤔 either way, I envy you that you have the environment to go home near me 🥺.
Good evening, bouken! Noboru Sake Shop is one of my favorites too, they have a great selection👍. I always get lost 👀 when I go there to buy 😅. I haven't tried Hoshisen yet, so I'll definitely try it someday ✊.
Good evening, bouken🌛I went to Noboru Sake Shop on Saturday and picked up this sake that I was also interested in... but I didn't know it was that rare💦I bought Abe, Shikishima and Tenka Nishiki 😅I was also confused about the perverted sake Nippon Spirit 🤣.
Hi, Mr. Hissan, good evening 😃 I came here for HOSHIZUMI, but I thought I might quit and buy some sake. I was so busy that I thought 🤣They use the same rice and different yeast to make different kinds of sake, so it's very interesting. Please give it a try 😁.
Good evening, Nemuchi 😃. I know many of you have been to Noboru-san recently 😁Masha-san also went there 🙄I gave up on Tenga Nishiki and Shikishima in tears 😭I stopped at the shelf of Nihon Soul after seeing Nemuchisan's post 🤣.
Good evening, bouken 🐰 This is the sake you told me about the other day✨ I've never had No.5 yeast 😆💕 Noboru-san always buys too much 😆💕.
Good evening, Mr. Rabbit 🐰 Yes, this is it 😁. No.5 yeast originated from Kamotsuru and is not used much anymore 🤔. The other bottle I bought is also No. 8 yeast, which is a rare yeast 😊. That assortment of products makes me go on a spending spree 🤣.