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Sharaku純米吟醸 吉川山田錦純米吟醸
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Today was a holiday celebration. I'm working night shift as usual😭 So? I'm opening a bottle of Sherlock 😍. And it's Yoshikawa Yamadanishiki, a luxury item😁. When I opened the bottle, I was greeted by a fruity and sweet ginjo aroma, similar to melon candy 😆. The taste is more banana🍌-like. The taste is more like banana and banana juice. I'm not sure. 🤔 It also has a strong taste of rice. I'm not sure if it's a banana or a green banana. The aftertaste is clean, dry, and dry. The taste is sweet at the beginning and gradually changes to dry. It's a great way to start the day. It's a very nice sake with a sweet, delicious and spicy taste😍. This is a very nice sake with a sweet, delicious and spicy taste. I was under the impression that Yoshikawa Yamadanishiki has a very light flavor. I'm very happy with the result. Like Mutsu Hassen, I'll be drinking Tojo Yamadanishiki tomorrow😎. It's a Sherlock, so it'll be good for sure😍.
Good morning, etorannzyu😃. I also went to work on a holiday yesterday 😮💨. I've been working on my day off yesterday. And I'm currently abstaining from alcohol💦. I'll be back in a few weeks. Sherlock❗️
Good morning, etorannzyu ☀️. I was at work yesterday too💦. I'm over the overwork line 😨😨😨. The only thing I'm looking forward to is sake and sake wine!
Good evening, etorannzyu! 😄. Thanks for your night shift 🙇️♂️Sherlock soaks into your tired body 😋
Good evening, Mr. Haruei Chichi😃. It's not a holiday for me. I'm not working on a holiday, I'm working at a regular job😭. I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to do that again. I'm looking forward to seeing you open up some great drinks😎.
T.KISO Good evening😃. It's a holiday in general 😱. I'm in a bad way after hours too😅. Let's get through it with sake and sake-no-wa ️. And add a Levorg to the mix 🤣.
MAJ, good evening😃. Sherlock is a really good brand without fail😍. I'm going to get through the night shift with a good drink 🎶.