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Izumofujiしぼりたて 春ノ赤ラベル純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
Izumofuji Check-in 1Izumofuji Check-in 2
Izumofuji Check-in 3Izumofuji Check-in 4
Today I got Izumo Fuji's Haruno Red Label, which I prepared for the second round of map filling and spring sake drinking comparison 😀. To be honest, I wasn't expecting much since I bought it to fill in the map 😅. However, I had a tasting sake at room temperature and a cold sake for today's comparison, as well as some purple space cotton candy and Hana Oup that had been opened, and I was surprised at how delicious Izumo Fuji's sake was😇. It is jungin, so naturally it has a good ginjo aroma, but it also has a strong umami taste in the mouth 😀. And the umami lasted until the taste finally cut off in the mouth and then it was nicely sharp 😇. When a sake you don't expect is so delicious, you feel like you got a lot out of it😇.
Good morning, Yasubey 😃. Izumo Fuji! Aside from Yukigumo 😅the regular ones are good too 🤗I enjoyed the blue label super dry one before 😋I guess it's like a deliciously refreshing 😋Killer Shimane sake 🍶 is good 👍.
Rafa papa
Good morning Yasubeyesan😃. Izumo Fuji is a sake I've been curious about but haven't had yet 🥲I'll have to drink it after seeing this review 😁I should put a GPS on Yasubeyesan 🙄Imanaka is so far away I haven't been there in a while😅.
Hi Jay & Nobby 😀 I'm embarrassed to say that I don't have much of an impression of Shimane's alcoholic beverages. I'm ashamed to say that I don't have much of an impression of Shimane sake, not even what I drank on my first round 🤣. I chose it just because it was a spring sake and I'm glad I hit the jackpot 🎯😀😀.
Hi Rafa papa 😀 You can't put a GPS on a clunker like me because I'd get lost 🤣. But thanks to all of you, I think I'm somehow more nosy than before🤣.
Good evening, Yasubeyesan. I stopped by a store selling it on my trip to Izumo in GW, but I left without buying it and may regret it. I have to go back to buy it again.
Hi Hirupeko, good evening 😀 I was disappointed that Izumo Fuji didn't appear in your report on your Izumo trip 😅. You don't have to go all the way to Izumo, you can buy it in Osaka if you have a chance 😇.