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Kagamiyama純米酒 生酒純米生酒
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It was hot today, like 33℃😅. I had to abstain from alcohol for 3 days for the retest of the medical checkup, it was hard... The test was hard, too... Well, to drink good sake 🍶. God must have told me to be patient sometimes ❗️😅. Today is Kagamiyama Kagamiyama, local sake. Among local sakes, Hanahayo and Sairai are popular, but Kagamiyama is a newer, more "shuwashu" sake. Kagamiyama has recently been trying out a variety of new sake, such as sparkling and freshly harvested sparkling sake. Kagamiyama has recently been trying out a variety of new sake, including a freshly harvested sparkling sake and a variety of new sake. Nama-shu has a fresh aroma. The first sip is a bit bitter, but full of sweetness. It has a mellow flavor, perfect for hot days. It is perfect for a hot day, and since I've just finished my sobriety break, it soaks into all my internal organs😅. I just wanted to say 😅 But today I get drunk with a small amount. I'm going to eat take-out from a yakitori restaurant. home drinking 235
Good evening, Harry. Did you get re-tested⁉️all right? Please take it easy to have a good drink from now on 😭 Kagamiyama, Hiraccio-san is also drinking and I'm curious👍
Harry sakeboy, good evening 😀 In my area, it's hard to get Hahoyo Sairai, so Saitama sake is either Shinkame or Kagamiyama 😅Kagamiyama is surprisingly sweet, isn't it?
Manachie, I don't know the result of the retest yet, but I took the doctor's word that I'll probably be fine, now and then 😅 Try Kagamiyama!
Good evening, bouken. Yes, unlike Shinkame, this is a new challenge, and I feel that it is closer to modern sake 😀.
Good evening, Harry Sakeboy! Fresh and bitter sounds delicious 😆. By the way, I went to Ikenishi today. According to the store, they're going to downsize temporarily and then re-strengthen again because they're renewing their sales floor!
Good morning Joe😊Thanks for the Ikenishi information. I would love to see it strengthened and revived and sell some phantom arms and other items at the event. Let's hope for the best😊.