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Shuho珠韻 生酒純米大吟醸生酒
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酒泉洞 堀一
I'd like to see both ⚾️&⚽️📺 I've been busy with the TV remote control today😅. Soccer World Cup qualifiers⚽️ won 1-0 over North Korea🇰🇵 ❗️ Tanaka Beki🟦 nice goal. Refreshing as always👍. Baseball⚾️Yoshinobu Yamamoto18 pitches Don't Mai😌Good luck next time❗️ Oops! Matsui vs Ohtani is now a reality 🤩. Well, I had a drink a while ago 🍶. The details are undisclosed, but it is said to be Jun-Dai class. The sweetness is softly felt from the beginning. Delicious ‼️ Day 3, still sweet ❗️ I can feel bitterness in the second half, but the sweetness in the first half is overwhelming😅. 100% Yamagata rice, less than 50% polished rice 17% alcohol by volume Lightness⭐️⭐️ Brilliant⭐️⭐️ Sweetness⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️✨ Bitterness⭐️⭐️✨ Acidity⭐️ Kick⭐️⭐️⭐️ Likability⭐️⭐️⭐️✨
Ace, good evening ^_^. It was hard work to flick the remote control 😁. Defeated North Korea by defending a goal by Ake Tanaka well at the beginning of the game ✌️ Yoshinobu Yamamoto, what a 😭 to give up 5 runs in 1 inning. I hope he does well next time. Matsui vs Ohtani is one more stretch
Good morning, Ace 😃. In our house ⚽️ was watched by my daughter and we were the only ones ⚾️ 😄Banzai for soccer 🙌Yamamoto-kun! Starting over in the USA 🇺🇸! I'm sure you'll be fine 🤗.
Hi Ace 😃 I had a drink out at Zhuyin once and I remember it was really good ❗️ I was thinking so much about the Dodgers yesterday that I completely forgot about the soccer ⚽️ 😆. Anyway, I couldn't watch it yesterday because I had a drinking party at work 🤣.
Hi Ace 🐦. I was really busy with remote control last night 〰💦Kenmin show was recorded 😆 how much of a TV kid 🤣. It's spring drinking 🌸it's spring 🌸it's spring watching baseball 🌸🤭.
Good evening, Manta 😀 At first I switched the channel to ⚽️ to see if the game was about to kick off from baseball, but I missed the moment when 1-0 😱❗️ blue goal was scored 😇. I wanted to watch Matsui vs Otani a little more instead of the first pitch 😅.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 😃. Was your daughter a soccer fan ⚽️ 😄 watching baseball games ⚾️ be careful not to drink too much 🍶. I too am always saved by a cup of tea 🍵 in the middle of the day 😂.
Good evening, Haruei Chichi 🍻. Thank you for your company's drinking party🍻. Shuho shuin🍶Sweet 😋👍After one night, the news about the alleged Otani money transfer 📺 is terrible 😱It depends on Otani's involvement, it's not enough to play baseball anymore😱.
Good evening, Pon. You've been busy with the remote control 💦 and the recording 😂. I can't catch up with the video digestion either, I'm wondering how much time I have left on the recorder 😅. Spring 🌸 is just around the corner 😄.
Ace. Ohtani often plays early, but he could have been a little more discerning with the ball 😁.
Good evening, Manta! I was wondering if Otani is studying the probability of the first pitch of the game by looking at the ⚾️ tablet, or if he is trying to impress other pitchers to "hit the first pitch" with an eye to the future 🤔😄.