SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
pyonpyonAfter seeing the Mika Ninagawa exhibition at Toranomon Hills, we went to the Japanese Sake Information Center within walking distance🎵Toranomon Hills is full of too many stylish restaurants, interior stores and too many high-rise buildings, which can be tiring for the older people😅The Japanese Sake Information Center is empty 💮 so sit back and enjoy the sake comparison set🎵Japanese Sake makes me feel at home! I feel relaxed when I have some sake 💮👍️The Hyakushun in the middle of the "New Sake Nama Sake Set" was the most refreshing and tasty 💮❤️I was surprised to see Kintohira Shrine in the valley between the buildings 👀‼️I got a red seal ✨.
アラジンGood evening, pyonpyon 😃. I used to work in this neighborhood, so I missed you ☺️, but I didn't know about the Japanese Sake Information Center, which was a shame 😅. I wanted to recommend Okano Eisen's Mame Daifuku 😌.
pyonpyonGood evening Aladdin 😃😃I see you worked in such a great big city ✨I saw that Usagi Goten went to the Japanese Sake Information Center and I'm copying her 😝I love anko (bean paste) type of food so I checked it out! I'll try to go there 🎵
ポンちゃんGood evening pyonpyon🦉. There are so many things to see and do, it's just so tiring on the eyes 💦and it's nice to have a place to drink and calm down 😊a place for drinkers 😆I see you collect red seals too 😳👍✨.
ジェイ&ノビィGood morning, pyonpyon 😃. It's a good idea to go to an exhibition to appreciate the art and then to moisten your liver 🤗There is a Japanese Sake Information Center in a place like this! I didn't know such an oasis existed 🥹Thanks for the good information 😊.
pyonpyonPon-chan, good morning 🎵Tokyo is really big 💦but I'm glad to find a place where I can relax a little 😆⤴️💓I should have bought a sake stamp book at the Japanese Sake Information Center 😁💨💨.
pyonpyonJay & Nobby, good morning 🎵I also went there on information from Usagi Goten ✨I feel more at home here than at the trendy cafe in Toranomon Hills 🤭.