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kamosu mori広島酵母純米大吟醸生酒袋吊り
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Today we open a bottle of Hiroshima Yeast from Kuzumemori 🍶. I have had Junmai Ginjo and Junmai Daiginjo from Kakusu Mori before! I was impressed by the rich sweet and sour taste 😄. The previous brewing forest was brewed with No. 10 yeast, It is really interesting that a yeast that is not known for its acidity can have such high acidity! When I heard that there was a new Hiroshima yeast product from K brewing forest, of course I couldn't pass it up 😆. On a trip to Niigata, I went looking for it and was able to get it! When I asked about it, they were sold out of the four-pack bottles 😢. This time I bought a small bottle! Sweet and sour aroma like pineapple 🍍🍍 and a hint of alcohol. The color looks quite cloudy Almost cloudy Silky texture on the tongue😘. Sourness is mellow and mixes well with sweetness Fruity, sweet and sour, little bitterness and astringency Pleasantly fizzy and bubbly 💦. Almost like a soda 😆. More light than the Junmai Daiginjo I had before 😋. Daiginjos back then were really sweet 😆. I think the sweetness this time is appropriate Photo 3 is lunch in Niigata before boarding the plane! Sado's dokuro donburi was delicious 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤! 300ml is a bit short! Another bottle of Aichi Totopia craft beer!
Good morning, I'm back with a new recipe. Sekai Sushi 🍣! The sushi here is delicious. You knew well. You are well-informed.
Good morning, superbebe! I often see Tortopia at the liquor store but haven't had it yet! It's delicious 😆. It looks like the brewery was just built last year, so I'll be drinking it and supporting them too👍.
Good evening, goonyi goonyi! This is also a very popular restaurant 😋. Better make a reservation. When the restaurant opened at noon, there was a sign saying "Reservations only today" 😆😆.
Good evening, kino.🎈. Yes ❗It just opened last year 😁. I drank several kinds of Totopia at a bar in Nagoya in March (Beer Pub Brick Lane in Fushimi)
Very tasty! You should definitely try it 😋.
(Oh, I'm back home w...) Hello bebe 👋 How was your pilgrimage this time? I think you should upload it to YouTube now! 😇✌️
Good evening, Mr. Sake Run 🎈. Yes, I'm home. It was a great trip😇 By the way, I don't do YouTube 🤣🤣🤣.