SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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Purchased at sizuk sakeno sizuk opened last November near Kyoto station. North side of Yodobashi. A corner store. I thought I had to go to Noboru Sake Shop in Tenri to buy it, so it's good news that I can buy it in Kyoto. Brands handled include Hirotogawa, Yamawa, Yaetsuru, Haginishiki, LIBROM, Hakurei, Omine, Seiki Zouma, Sakaya Hachibei, etc. There was also a seekwasser, but since it was my first time to buy it, I went for the standard one. It is made with lemon verbena, which has a lemon-like aroma. It has a herb-like aroma, probably due to the use of lemon verbena. It is very active and shuwashy. It is sweet and sour, refreshing, and easy to drink. I prefer it to rice and agave. By the second day, the sourness felt like dried plums. It's so much more sour. The difference in taste from the first day is too big. It's better to finish it by the end of the day because the taste changes so much.
Good evening, bouken! I didn't know you could buy this sake in Kyoto! Thank you😊and I'm glad we're on the same corner! Thank you for the brand information 🙏.
Good evening, Ponchan 😃. I flew in for these drinks! It's great to see so much available at a new opening 😳.
Rafa papa
Good morning bouken😃. I am amazed at your ability to gather information and take action as always 😳‼️LIBROM is delicious 😋😋I wonder if I can drop by Nishimura Brewery during their tasting event 🙄.
Good morning, bouken😃! I see that there is now a LIBROM store in Kyoto ❗️. I've never experienced it even though I'm in my hometown 😅 Hats off to you for your energy and information gathering skills👍
Good evening Rafa😊. I found it by chance this time 😁It is very close to Kyoto station so please go there 😉.
Good evening, Chichi 😃. I usually find insta ads annoying, but that's how I found out about this restaurant 😅. It's a bit pricey but I'd like to try a variety of drinks 😋.