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Kozaemon純米ひだほまれ 磨き八割純米生酒
Kozaemon Check-in 1Kozaemon Check-in 2
I'm talking about the Hankyu Brewer's Festival, which is held every year in Hankyu, Japan. I tasted a variety of sakes while "tasting cold or hot," and I was really impressed with the taste of Kozaemon, which was the best of the day. And it was the most delicious sake of the day! Dewa immediately! The attack is fresh! Total freshness! That's all! The vector of this dish is low in sweetness and low in bitter acidity, and is washable enough to kill the super thick nori cream sauce penne shown in the picture. (By the way, I don't make it anymore because it is not popular with my family.) It's a typical sake, but I haven't had such a fresh sake recently, so I'm very impressed! The train is ready to go! It's good at any temperature and any sake cup, and the gimmick is that you can smell a little bran when you drink Riedel. It is relatively classic and has no fruit. It's just a dry sake with a "thud" of freshness on top of it. The freshness on top of the dry sake is a perfect harmony. Despite the low white content, the sake is clear and free of any cloying flavors, perhaps due to the ginjo-style sake making process. R4by a great start! I'm so happy for the ministry!
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran 🌙 This is the sake you bought the other day 😄👍 I've been drinking a lot of fruity drinks lately, so your review made me want to try a fresh, dry sake 😊.
Pon-chan, ohayoo! Yes, it's not only the gorgeous drinks, but sometimes it's also good to have a drink like this🙆!
Rafa papa
Good morning, sake orchid 😃. I've had a few classical drinks recently too 🎶I'm just reviewing that classical has its own good qualities👍🤣.
Hi there, sake-run 😃. Cheap and tasty refreshing sake 🍶 is awesome❗️I'd like to keep a bottle of refreshing 👍 Nobby's been on the ball lately with your comments or rather expressions 🤣.
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran 🌛It's the rumored low-milled Kozaemon 😊I'm not a fan of too classic, but if you review it with this intensity, I'll want to drink it 😋I can feel how delicious it is👍I wish I'd tasted it. 😩
Hello Rafa! It's really a traditional sake with a real "bang" and freshness on top of it and it's a true override 😆 It's further away than the original classic! ☺️
Good evening, Jay & Nobby! What a surprise, Ms. Nobby is here! I'm just a peculiar old man. I'm so sorry!
Hello again, Mr. Nemuchi! It's been a long time since I've had such a fresh and full-flavored sake! And for 1100 yen, that's an entrepreneurial effort! If the sake was made with low whitening and ginjo-styling to eliminate the impurities, then it's a (T_T)monstrosity~~!