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Wagauji雲の上 にごり生酒純米大吟醸生酒にごり酒
テキーラ500 check-ins for my contingency! Still just a passing point. A deliciously sweet nigori. Delicious! Fruity! I've been drinking out, but this might be my first time drinking at home, maybe. I'm already feeling like I'm on cloud nine.
ジェイ&ノビィGood evening, Tequila 😃. Congratulations on your 500 check in ㊗️㊗️㊗️㊗️㊗️ 🎉I've never had a drink of Ago Arigoto, but it looks like a snow cloud! I would love to drink it 😊.
Masaaki SapporoTequila, thank you as always 👍500 check in awesome 👀Congratulations 🎉Gouyu Fitness looks great too 😋.
さとーGood evening, Tequila 🌇I always look forward to seeing your work! Congratulations on your 500 check-ins 🍾🎊 I'm from Tohoku, but I'm learning every day about a lot of sake that I don't know like I'm in the Northeast 😂. It looks delicious with snow goddess 😋.
アラジンTequila, congratulations on your 500 check-ins㊗️🎊🎉🎊㊗️ 500 CI is still just a mere passing point for you, you are a true drinker ☺️ I'm on cloud nine with a delicious sweetness of nigori of my own contingency☁️😇 and it's another superb anniversary 😊.
ポンちゃんTequila, congratulations on your 500 check-ins: 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 Nice celebration with a drink that makes me feel like I'm on cloud nine 👍✨I've never had this brand, so I'd love to drink the same one and feel the same way: ❣️
テキーラThank you all for the 500 check-in congratulations! I will continue to read your posts with drool in my mouth and use them as a reference! I'm going to drink!