SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Ryuからっと純米吟醸 Tシャツラベル
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Even though it's a drink, when it has the same name as yours, I kind of get attached to it (even though I read it differently). Since it was the 300th check-in, I thought it would be a special sake, but I couldn't think of anything, I thought of a special sake with my name, I decided to go with Takashi (it's also a local sake from Kanagawa). This season, I went for this one with a cute T-shirt label 😘. Not only does it look like summer, it certainly feels like summer when you drink it! It's refreshing, light, crisp and fresh! Sweetness and acidity are not that much. But it's not what you would call light and dry, but I guess it's a dry type. I feel a little sourness. After the second day, the sweetness also increases a little? With sea bream we got as a gift
Congratulations on your 300th check-in 🎉! It's a great time to celebrate a milestone, even if it's not a special one ✨. Keep up the good drinking 🎵! The snapper looks delicious too 🤤!
Congratulations to Takashi on 300 check-ins: ㊗️ Celebration sake with the same name, what a great idea 😊. It looks like it would go well with the sea bream sashimi 👍.
Thank you, ma-ki- ✨ Before I started Sake no Wa, I could hardly remember what I drank or what kind of drinks I had 😅, but I'm glad I was able to record 300 😄.
Thank you, Maru ✨ Although they are "liyuu" and "takashi", they look the same and I'm just going to assume they are the same lol 😄
Congratulations on your 300 check-in, Takashi 🎉🎉🎉! I love that we have the same name😊It makes me want to drink it at every milestone👍I didn't know Takashi had such a pop label 😳‼️ now that it's hot and humid, it looks delicious ❣️
Thank you so much, Pon ✨ We have the same name, so when I see you at the liquor store, I'm kind of curious 😘. I hope you're doing well? Like, lol 😆.
Masaaki Sapporo
Thanks again, Takashi 👍Congratulations on 300 check-ins 🎉Kiri number with sake related to your name, nice 😁.
Masaki Sapporo, thank you so much for all your help ✨. I actually didn't know about this drink until my child gave it to me (pun intended) on Father's Day a few years ago.