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Urazato純米酒 本生純米生酒
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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店
Actually, on Friday I drank one Urasato sake outside and one at home 🍶. I went to chuin for one of those outings, and this is the "Urasato Junmai Sake Honnen". It was delivered from Urasato Sake Brewery to Crazy Salad House and Mekawa Sake Shop, then immediately delivered to chuin-san, and the owner, Mr. Kawada, was too eager to drink it and opened the bottle right after that 😁. This bottle was probably the fastest bottle of this year's Urasato Junmai Sake to be opened at a restaurant in the Kansai region 😄. It's so fast that we don't have it on our regular menu 😅. The appearance is a warm clear crystal. Mild fruity & rice cake aroma is faintly present. Drink it, the flavor is strong😳. Smooth on the palate, developing from a rich sweetness to a refreshing acidity, and then snapping back, with a lingering faint bitterness in the aftertaste. Too much 🥰. It would be great if I could guess the sake rice with this flavor. I can understand why Mr. Chikara Urasato says that sake rice accounts for only 20% or less of the flavor of sake. At any rate, I decided to immediately secure a four-pack. I am looking forward to seeing how it changes after the bottle is opened, since it tastes like this three hours after opening. I would like to try heating it up, and I would also like to take the time to enjoy this Urasato Junmai Sake again.
Good morning, Aladdin 😀 This was also on your instagram yesterday and the store owner said it was because he wanted to drink it himself 😀. I'm so curious to know what kind of alcohol it is that a professional of alcohol cares so much about it 🤣.
Hi Aladdin☀ This looks delicious too! I'm sure they'll put it in my favorite restaurant and I'm looking forward to it🤗.
Hi Aladdin, I've been drinking two different types of Urasato in one day 😳I drank nigori outside and it was delicious and everyone is drinking so much lately that I'd love to try a bottle at home one day 💕.
Yasubeyesan, I recommend you to try Urasato as well as Usunigori 🍶. It is delicious right after opening the bottle, and the change after opening is also good, so I recommend buying a bottle and drinking it at home 😎.
Hi Aladdin 🐦. I've noticed a lot of people drinking Urasi lately... but it's far away 💦I'd love to have a drink if I could meet you for a drink outside 😊.
Good evening, Matsuchiyo 😃. It was delicious... ☺️ I'm looking forward to receiving the four-pack 😊 as I'd like to taste it at home slowly and properly. I'm looking forward to your feedback too 😄.
Hi Hirupeko 😃 I was happy to drink two kinds of Urasato in one day 😊. I think Urasato can be enjoyed after opening and can also be heated, so I hope you will try it at home too 🍶.
Hi Pon 😃 I hope you will try Urasato 🍶. I know it's a long way off, but there will be a sake tasting in Izumisano on June 9 and I think Mr. Chikara Urasato will be there too 🍶I'm sure you will love Urasato 😊.
Thanks for the directions 🙏. It's a bit far, but I'd love to go 😊.