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Toyobijin醇道一途 限定 純米吟醸 愛山純米吟醸
Toyobijin Check-in 1Toyobijin Check-in 2
Toyobijin Check-in 3Toyobijin Check-in 4
Last Wednesday's standing drink CHUIN. Let's start with this one. It's been a while since I've had sake from the Sumikawa Sake Brewery (Hagi, Yamaguchi Prefecture). Crystal appearance with a hint of warmth. The aroma is fruity with a sprinkling of freshness and a sizzle. Ripe red apples, muscatel, young pineapple, and a nuance of freshly ground pineapple. When you take a sip, the aroma is sweet, but there is an attack of sourness. From there, there is a clear sweetness and umami. The wine flows smoothly and is soft and clean. The aftertaste is moderate, with a hint of bitterness and astringency. Sake made by Aizan (for me personally) is often surprisingly acidic 😅 because I always start with the stereotype of "it must be sweet. In fact, when you actually drink Aizan sake, I think (in my limited experience) that the acidity and bitterness come out earlier than expected, and the sweetness is often less than expected. In the end, I have to keep in mind that there is a wide range depending on the brewer's sake quality design and brewing, or I will be dragged into my own prejudice, so I have to be careful 😅. This sake had a high aroma, and I could sense a kind of quality that is typical of Toyo Bijin. Also, while Jyundo Isshu had an image of being thick, this one was accompanied by a sense of transparency.
Good morning, Aladdin 😀 I see you went to the Toyo Bijin sake rice comparison 😇. I wanted to go too because I was interested in it, but I was down with a cold😅. I was also interested in going, but I was down with a cold 😅.
Aladdin, good morning ☀☀☀☀. I myself purchased Aizan from Jundo Isshu, so I'm looking forward to drinking it, as I can imagine the taste from your review 😊. I can't wait to drink it 😊 I really agree with the stereotype of Aizan = sweet lol.
Good morning, Yasbay 😃. It was chuin to thank you for the event. Actually, we didn't compare oriental beauty drinks that day 😔. I'm glad your cold is gone ☺️ I'm sick right now so I hope to get well soon so I can drink!
Good morning, Satou 😃. It's so intoxicating to be able to buy Toyo Bijin's limited edition Aizan for drinking at home 😊. I wanted to drink it carefully at home, including the changes after opening the bottle, so I look forward to Satou-san's future check-ins: ☺️
Hi Aladdin 😃 We too have the idea in our head that Aizan = sweet ‼️ 😓 and we can't get our hands on it 😅It's certainly not a good idea to have too many preconceived ideas! I'd like to try many things 🤗
Hi Aladdin 🐦. I had the same drink the other day and yes it's sweet, but it's easy to drink 😊I think the acidity is quite effective 🤔I'm really impressed with your ability to put it into words ✨Ah, I want to copy this review 🤣.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 😃. Aizan can sometimes be predictably prodigal and sweet, which might be risky for J&N's tastes these days 😁. I'm also easily biased if I'm not careful, so I'm willing to try different things 🍶.
Good evening, Pon-chan 😃. If this is ok with you, Pon-chan, you can crack me up anytime 😊. I've been working on my vocabulary and expression variations lately, so I'll try my best to make my comments more accurate and live 😄.