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Kissui Hidari Uma純米吟醸 山田錦 生原酒 中取り純米吟醸原酒生酒中取り
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Rafa papa
Seikyu Sama Junmai Ginjo Yamadanishiki Nama-Nishiki Nama-narashu Nakadori This is my first time to drink left horse 😊. Left horse has the meaning of prosperous business and good fortune. It is a good omen...👍‼️ On the day of opening the bottle... Transparency with little clutter typical of Yamada-Nishiki ✨. Sourness with a hint of sweetness like density The acidity with a hint of sweetness like density ✨ spreads in the mouth... Very beautiful and easy to drink... But a little bit lacking 😅... However, the next day, the flavor takes over The sweetness and umami spread out refreshingly and round 😋. It became very tasty 🤤. I would like to drink it again 😌.
Good morning Rafa, I'd like to try left horse 😆 I've had Jinya but not this one yet 😂 it's better on the second day ‼️
Hi Rafa papa 😀 I've never seen this sake at Hata...is it a new item ❓🤣. Hata has a slightly different selection than other stores, I'll have to go check it out again 😀.
Hi Rafa 🐦. As Yasbaye said, Hata's lineup has an itch like no other👍✨I'd love to visit both Kadoya and ❣️
Rafa papa
Good evening Mr. Manachy😃. So you know left horse 😊Quick 🤣It was a very good drink 😋It was so much better on the second day than the day I opened it👍‼️
Rafa papa
Good evening, Yasube! I've dealt with left horse before, but this is the first time I've had it 😅Many of Hata's sake are not well known, but when you try them, you'll rarely go wrong 😌Hata is not to be underestimated 🤣.
Rafa papa
Good evening, Ponchan 😃. Itchy...that's a great way to describe it 🤣we stock some unusual drinks and they are all very good 😋I'd love to try any of the drinks you stock 😁.