SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
神心令和六年 豊醸祈願祭純米吟醸原酒生酒中取り無濾過にごり酒
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Finally, we have three prefectures left in our sake tour of Japan... Okayama Prefecture, Shizuoka Prefecture, and our home prefecture of Osaka😇. I wondered which order to go in, but I'll start with Okayama Prefecture's Shinshin-san 😀. May they brew wonderful sake again this year 🙏! Actually, I'm going to Wakayama on June 16th to sign up to participate in Kido's sake rice planting 😀. I hope Kido will be able to brew a rich brew this year too 😀. This Shinshin doesn't have much of an aroma, but when you put it in your mouth, the sweetness and umami that you get from the rice spreads out in a natural way, and it cuts through in a flash 😇. It is a delicious sake 😀. Kaorin made sauteed meat and onions with handmade onions that Rafa papa gave us yesterday along with soba noodles.
Hi Yasbay, good evening. Shinshin is delicious too😊 Looks like it would go well with your dish ✨. The handmade Japanese salmon wawa tour trip caught my eye 👀. Well, now you've finally reached the 2 week mark!
Rafa papa
Good morning Yasbay 😃 The remaining 3 prefectures left are surprising 😳I guess there were no prefectures where you could drink at any time 🙄 my hometown Osaka is still... 😁.
Hi ma-ki-san 😀 I was torn between Shinshin-san or Gozenshu-san for Okayama Prefecture, but I chose the one with the name "Pray for a good brewing season" 🤣. Hoping for a good harvest in autumn this year too😇. The sake I plan to open today is label choice 🤣.
Hello Rafa papa! I was planning to bring either this sake or the one I'm going to open this day, but I'm going to bring a different one at a moment's notice.
Good morning, Yasbaye 😃. Your second round of the trip is going well 🤗I see, if you drink the fertility prayer first, you will be able to plant Kido's rice 🌾 perfectly👍and have a lot of fun 😊.
Hi Jay & Nobby 😀 All the rest of the sake from our second tour of Japan is already lined up in the fridge, so all we have to do is drink it 😇. I'm looking forward to Kido's rice planting day with lots of plans, including a brewery tour and even a barbecue party after the rice planting 😀.