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HanatomoeSoda Pop生酒
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Soda Pop is an active nigori sake made from mizu-hashiroshi As with Splash, just by loosening the bottle a little, a big lees was bubbling up 😳. It didn't mix well, so I mixed it again after opening the bottle. It is whiter than Splash! Sweet and sour aroma, soft sweetness and sourness. There is almost no bitterness and it tastes like a lactic acid drink due to the strong acidity. I like it very much. ❣️ The second day, the gassy feeling has subsided a lot. Unique aroma, sour? The taste is more integrated than yesterday's and more drinkable. On the third day, the aroma of yesterday's wine is exactly what it smells like 😆. It smells like a combination of rice and pickles! When you drink it, you can't imagine from the aroma, it tastes like a lactic acid drink and is very tasty. ❣️ Splash is refreshing and dry, Soda Pop is lactic acid drink type, both are delicious in this season! I liked Soda Pop better 🎶.
Hi Pon. 😊 I hope you enjoyed your adult lactic acid drink. 😂. It's hard to find explosive types. 😫.
Hi Pon, ☀️ I got lost in the liquor store and ended up buying both bottles, so we have these two 😆 Both the refreshing dry and the lactic acid drink shuwashuwa look delicious 🎵. I wonder when I'll open them... looking forward to it 🥳.
Hi Pon, hello here too. The sweetness and strong acidity looks delicious and easy to drink in this hot season 🎵. I haven't had lactic acid for a long time, so I'm very curious 😊.
Good morning, Hanapin 🐥. Maybe it's because of the recent niggles, but my husband is very accurate in judging when I'm opening the bottle 😆 Familiarity is amazing 😁 Explosion system, I feel like there are more than before, but maybe less in summer 🤔.
Good morning, Kotaro 🐥. That's something to look forward to 😆👍When it gets this hot, Splash might be delicious 🫧It goes well with fried foods and dark dishes, so please drink it with us to prevent the rainy season from getting out of hand 😉.
Thank you ma-ki- for this one too 😊. I'm not good at sour food, but when it's hot like this, it's delicious 😆 I want to drink it so that I don't run out of stamina since it seems to be extremely hot again this year 😁.
Good morning, Pon, ☀️ It's nice to compare the drinks: ❣️ I drank this one the other day, but I didn't like it 💦I'm not a big fan of sour 😅.
Ponchan here too 🙇. You can tell the difference only by comparing the drinks👍 I was curious about Splash, but I'm even more curious about this one that Pon-chan likes
Hi T.KISO 🐦. I think this sourness is not to everyone's taste 😅The aroma is not to my husband's taste 😅He didn't seem to mind it, but I was a little bothered by the peculiar taste 💦I might not have been able to drink it if I didn't like the taste 😅.
Manta, thank you for this one too 😊. I think it's good for people who are okay with yogurt 😉 I don't like sour, but I guess I'm used to it because I eat yogurt every morning 😆 I'm done with one of the drinks I was curious about 😁.
Good evening Ponchan 🌆. Yesterday I opened the same SODA 😊I know the lactic acid feeling ❗️ ❗️ Anyway, I'm curious about the green one too 😆.
Good evening, chikumo 🦉. I see you have opened the door! I'm glad we share the same opinion 🥂. I'm glad we share the same opinion 😂I think it's delicious now that it's green and gloomy 😊If you have a chance, please do!