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Wakamusume十二秘色 超限定うすにごり純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過おりがらみ
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The brand name of Shintani Shuzo's Wakamusume is "layered color-mark," which represents the coloring of the twelve-layered kimono, etc. HISOKU" is a seasonal hue used throughout the four seasons, with lapis lazuli on the front and pale blue on the back, a beautiful celadon-like shade of blue-green. This sake was named "Juni-Hisoku" from the "secret color" of the twelve layered colors of the Juni-Hitoe. The label is a bluish lapis lazuli color, with a checkered pattern and butterflies, giving it a somewhat demonic feel. After peeling off the aluminum cover, lightly place your finger on the stopper, and the bottle automatically opens with a pop. The appearance is a light nigorigo like a spring haze, and when poured, quite lively petit gas bubbles dance around. The aroma is juicy blue melon, pineapple, and sweet ginjo aroma full of freshness like young apples. In the mouth, the juicy sweetness is accompanied by the light stimulation of gas. The sweetness flows thickly and juicy with umami. From the mid-palate, a mild and soft acidity with a slight malted rice flavor spreads with the sweetness and the gas, and it finishes softly with a slight bitter astringent taste. The lingering taste is medium with a hint of bitterness. It has a fresh, sweet aroma and a deep, juicy, sweet, delicious acidity & bitterness with a sense of Japanese pear. I love this 🥰.
Good morning, Aladdin 😃! I was at a liquor store the day before yesterday and was curious about this last bottle and picked it up 😅without any previous information 🤗I'm looking forward to drinking it after reading your glowing review 😋.
Good morning, Aladdin 😃It's definitely devilish 😅but it's a beautiful color ✨. Fizzy, sweet, tasty, acidic and bitter is my favorite category ❣️ If you love it too Aladdin, I'll have to make sure I get it 👍.
Good morning, Aladdin! I've recently seen "Wakamusume" posted by Yasubeyesan and bouken, I haven't drunk it yet, so I feel the wide range of Yamaguchi sake 😁. The color, which is inspired by junihitoe, is very distinctive and eye-catching ✨.
Good morning, Jay & Nobby 😃. We knew from your comment that you got it, so we were looking forward to your future check-ins 😄. Please enjoy the sake brewed by Fumiko Shintani with her heart and soul 🔥.
Good morning, Wakata-san 😃. I've heard that the sake that was made with the oni no katana (blade of destruction) was the emotional support during the suspension of brewing due to the Corona disaster, and when the brewery reopened, they put all their feelings into the secret color of the sake.
Good morning, Jive 😃. I think Wakamusume is an aromatic, sweet and delicious sake, so it's perfect for my taste: ☺️ I highly recommend it for its high quality and I hope you will try it too 🍶.
Hi Aladdin 😀 I too have just compared the peony drinks of Wakamusume-san and now I want to delve a little deeper into it😇. When I have a little more room in my fridge, I'd like to look for more things 😀.
Hi Yasbay 😃. I was going for the peony too, but I was attracted by the fact that it has been back for a long time, so I decided to go for the jubilee color 😄 They are all delicious and worth digging deep into! The slightly more expensive swallow flower is also something I would like to try in the future 🤔.
Hi Aladdin 🐦. The label and taste are refreshing and remind me of early summer 🌿I'd like to try it 😻I found it the other day and couldn't afford it 💦I regret buying it after reading your review 🥹.
Good evening, Pon 😃. Summer sake is already starting to appear 😳 Wakamusume, for me it's the perfect sake that hits the spot 😅 I tend to skip over Tsubamehana since it's still relatively well stocked (I haven't had it yet like that either) 😅