SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
マルIt's been a while since we had a lunchtime drink as a couple 🥂. They had sake on tap, so we had some after our beer 🍶. The sake was at room temperature, so although it was dry, we could taste the umami of the rice. It was at room temperature, so although it was dry, the flavor of the rice was very good. It was a treat 😋.
ひるぺこGood evening, brother Maru. I'm interested in the Koshinotaka (Echigo-Taka) that is placed with the dishes that don't seem to be paired with Sake. The owner's selection is very astringent 😊.
ヤスベェHi Maru 😀 It looks like you and your wife are enjoying a Western lunch with sake 😇. With this kind of dish, a dry sake would be perfect 😀.
ジェイ&ノビィHi Maru 😃 I like the lunchtime drink with you and your wife 🤗It sounds like a delicious western food 🍝and champagne 🍾 would go well together 😋It's interesting to match a dry sake 🍶 to it 😊Thanks for the reference!
ジャイヴGood morning, Maru-san ☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀. I envy you and your wife for having a lunchtime drink 😁. I didn't expect Fukui "Echino Taka" to be placed in the stylish food and atmosphere of the restaurant 😲. It seems to go well with the flavor of meat dishes 😋.
マルHello Miss Peco 😊 I found Harushika, Masumi, Washin, etc. in the store! I thought it goes well with western food too. I drink sake even with curry. ☝️
マルHi Yasbay 😊. It's been a really long time since we had a weekday lunch as a couple and it was fun 🤩. My wife enjoyed a keg of sparkling wine and I enjoyed a glass of dry sake👍
マルHi Jay & Nobby 😊 I found a slogan for my life that was posted in some store 🤣 "A life where you can drink from noon onwards". Sake goes with everything, doesn't it? What? No? 🤣
マルHi Gyve 😊. I had never heard of Koshinotaka, but when I was choosing a sake, I saw Gyve👓's face, so I decided to go with this one! As you said, I think it went best with meat dishes 🙌