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Rafa papaRafa papa
Koimari前 純米吟醸純米吟醸
Koimari Check-in 1
Koimari Check-in 2Koimari Check-in 3
Rafa papa
Ko-Imari Mae Junmai Ginjo When I attended an off-line meeting in Fukuoka last year I was recommended by Mr. Gura... Ko-Imari I bought it at Sumiyoshi Sake Brewery 😊. It was very delicious... 😋. I found the Koimari on Sake Kouzou's instagram I found it on 👀 I went to buy it but... it was sold out😭 I wanted to bring Gura-san's recommended sake to the weekend party I wanted to bring it to the weekend party 😅 The next day I went back home and went to a liquor store in Saitama... Hanahayo...out of stock😭 Kangiku...out of stock😭 Eiko Fuji...out of stock😭 Nothing at all 😭 But...I found it 😆. Ko-Imari Mae Junmai Ginjo ✌️ I couldn't buy it in Osaka but... I couldn't get it in Osaka but... I could get it in Saitama at ............... 🤣 It's exactly the same Junmai Ginjyo as last time👍 I'm so excited to be able to get it for the first time in a while 🤩. I opened the bottle immediately 🍾. Very elegant and refined, just like Saga sake... It's very elegant and refined, just like Saga sake... 😆. Sweetness, roundness, acidity, lightness and sharpness... 😆 I can feel the umami of rice... I can also taste the deliciousness of rice... 🤤. Oh no 🙄⁉️ I drank it 😋... What should I drink for offline meeting 🤔
Good morning, Rafa papa 😃. And of course, offline sake! 🍶
Rafa papa
Good morning Aladdin 😃. Saga has a lot of good sake 😋Koimari is also a very good sake 👍Offline sake...I'll quit hinting because the esper secret agent will find out if I hint 🤣.
Good morning Rafa! I remember Gula-san saying he got hooked on sake after drinking this ✨. I couldn't make it to Sumiyoshi's main store last time I was there, so maybe I'll look for it next time I'm back in Kyushu 💡.
Hi Rafa 😃 I think it would be better to go to Nagata Shoten to see if they have any Ko-Imari in stock 🤔I'm sure they had some in stock 🙄I'll be looking forward to the off-line meeting because I'll have to guess the drinks on the day of the meeting 😊.
Rafa papa
Hi Yoohee 😃 I went to the main store in Sumiyoshi before the offline meeting and bought only sundries without looking at most of the sake because I didn't have time 😅I bought the Ko-Imari at Sumiyoshi in Hakata station 😌 although there are less varieties in Hakata station 😁.
Hello Rafa 😊 You are indeed the god of sake, the prey you aim for will come to you... I can't believe you got the sake from Kyushu in Kanto, not Kansai 😵. I'm still in the midst of a steady stream 😆.
Rafa papa
Hello bouken😃 Thanks for the info😊I've never been to Nagata Shoten 🥲I'll check it out 🤔I thought they already knew about the offline alcohol 🤣.
Rafa papa
Hi Masha 😃 I was surprised that I could buy it in Saitama the day after I couldn't buy it in Osaka 😳It's funny because I couldn't buy it where I expected and I could buy it where I didn't think about it at all 🤣.
Hello Rafa, ☀️ You are indeed a descending liquor god 🙏✨but the fact that you drank this one means you had a further descent 😊👍✨I'm looking forward to it 😆🎶. Oh, I'll remember this drink too 🙏! I will remember this drink too 🙏.
Rafa papa
Hello Ponchan 😃 It's not that kind of God ✨ that's the alcohol 😅 most of you will be like what is this alcohol 😳⁉️... 😅 if I talk any more bouken will find out...
Good evening, Rafa papa! Yes, I was really into it when Gula recommended it to me: ❗️ But I didn't actually drink it 😆.
Rafa papa, here's my email! Thank you very much for your purchase. It is well-balanced and delicious, isn't it? I hope you will continue to drink more Kyushu sake 🍶.
Rafa papa
Haruei Chichi, good evening😃. You haven't drunk Ko-Imari yet 🤣that's a shame... 😊There's a good sake nearby 🥲...
Rafa papa
Good evening, Mr. Gura 😃. It's been a while since I've had a good old Imari 😋It's not easy to find but I hope to drink it again 😌I like Kyushu sake and I drink a lot 😁.