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Sakehitosuji Check-in 1
Sakehitosuji Check-in 2Sakehitosuji Check-in 3
Okayama Prefecture. Akaban City. Toshimori Sake Brewery Co. Sake Isshuji Junmai Ginjo Kinrei The brewery is grateful to have successfully revived Omachi rice, whose acreage has decreased over time. They are famous for their Akaban Omachi sake (apparently a registered trademark), but I bought this one because it was the one I liked best after tasting it at Hankyu. This sake won a platinum award at KURAMASTER in 2019. We will have it cold sake. Uitatekoso has a slight fruit-like ginjo aroma. It's almost melon-like. On the palate, from the moment it flows smoothly into the mouth, there is a voluminous umami on the tongue with a hint of sweetness. The overall impression is refreshing, despite the strong flavor of OMACHI. It is rich and mellow, but the sake strength of +3 or so is probably responsible for the refreshing aftertaste. I thought it would be a classical sake because of its sake-oriented naming sense and the font on the label, but it has a completely different taste. This is still delicious 😋. Also, there is no weird taste anymore and my taste buds are getting better 🤔.... I'm starting to taste it a lot better 👊. Ingredients: Rice (domestic), Rice malt (domestic) Polishing ratio: 56 Alcohol content: 15.5%.
Good evening, Nemuchi 🌙I'm glad you're back much better😊👍I thought it was a solid type, but it looks modern 😳I'd like to try it 💕.
Nemuchi-san Good evening. ⭐︎ I see, that's why Akaban Oumachi is emphasized so much. I am always learning 📝. The label looks hard, but it's modern style. ❗️ I would like to drink it if I see it 🍶.
Hi Nemuchi 😃 I had this brand the year before last when I started to like sake 🍶, I thought it was a brand that would show our direction in the future 😆 I remember how refreshing and delicious it was 😋I'm glad your taste buds are coming back too 🤗.
Good evening, Pon-chan 🌛Bobo, my stupid tongue is on the mend 👍This one is different from the label impression, not quite modern, but it has a robust flavor, yet it's refreshing and easy to drink 😋.
Good evening, Yoohee-san 🌛The Akaban Omachi sake is more famous than the Sake Isshuji sake, but it is a bit more expensive 😅I preferred this one, which has the deep flavor of Omachi but is more refreshing and more cost effective 😋.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 🌛The naming of the sake is exquisite and the direction is perfectly clear 👍You drank Ginrei before 😊It was a delicious sake with a clear yet robust flavor 😋.
Hi, Nemuchi. I'm glad to hear that your taste buds are gradually recovering 😊The powerful letters of your sake single-mindedness are fascinating! The taste of the sake is rich and mellow, but with a beautiful sharpness, it must be delicious 😋.
Hi Hirupeko, good evening 🌛I am relieved that my sense of taste has recovered rather quickly 😊This sake is the one that the brewer recommended to me as refreshing 😋I was surprised by its unexpectedly rich and mellow flavor, yet easy to drink 😆.