SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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Today I went to buy soy sauce that my late grandmother and my late mother used for the first time in 15 years 😁. At the sales office, I said, "They used to deliver to my parents' house until about 15 years ago, but I don't know the brand my mother used" and they asked me the name. When I answered, they went to the trouble of pulling out their old ledgers to find it for me 😭. Thankfully, I found what my mother used to use and bought it! I tasted it with chilled tofu for now... Oh, this taste! I almost cried because I missed it so much (lol). One thing I found out is that my mother wasn't a good cook. but the base soy sauce was delicious 😂. Oops, main topic! I tried to pickle plum wine with Matsuuraichi's sake for fruit wine! I was told that if you pickle with fully ripe plums that have turned yellow I heard that it becomes mellow and mild. I'm looking forward to the finished product! And the second one is today's harvest! This is the first time I saw a real Koei chrysanthemum! The twilight orange was the last one, so I was quite happy! The third one is soy sauce!
Good evening, Tsuyodai! I know what you mean about the soy sauce being good 😆 I order soy sauce from Aomori all the way from Japan. I have never made plum wine with fully ripened plums, but it is good⁉️.
Good evening, Mr. Manachy 😄 Soy sauce is important! I've never had it either, but I heard that it tastes good when made with fully ripened soy sauce, so I gave it a try.
Good evening, Tsuyodai-san 🌇. Everyone is particular about soy sauce and miso. But today I ate sashimi with sweet soy sauce from Kyushu and it wasn't good enough💦. Taste disorder⁉️
Tsuyodai 🌙 So you finally went to the world of Umeshu (plum wine). How long do you wait before you can drink it? I'm on low-sodium soy sauce 😭
Good morning, Tsuyodai-san! Every year I pick up plums from the shrine and let the young ones pickle 🤣 for the local plum wine. If they are fully ripe, you can make ume jam with nectar of ume 🎵
Good morning, Tsuyodai 😊☔. Those are big, nice plums! I used to make the fully ripe ones into pickled plums, but they are also good in plum wine 😳. Did your gums feel ok afterwards?
Chichi-san Good evening 😄There are soy sauces that are too sweet. I often think that the important thing is the taste and flavor of soybeans 😅.
tkmts Good evening ☺️Umeshu (plum wine) is easy to make ✨In fact, I also pickle Chinese cabbage and kimchi, which I inherited from my grandmother and mother 😉 I'm not good at reducing salt 😡.
honda-san good evening 😏 how punitive (lol) make a money offering and then steal plums! 😎.
Pon-chan, good evening 😁I heard that it is okay to use less icing sugar because it is less sour when it is fully ripe ✌️Thank you