SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites


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Oeyama Honjozo Nama-shu  Sake rice (Gohyakumangoku) (Noto Town, Ishikawa Prefecture/Matsunami Brewery) This valuable sake was dug up from a collapsed warehouse of the Matsunami Brewery, which was damaged in the Noto earthquake. It is characterized by the high aroma typical of new sake and a thickened taste.
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We found this nigori sake series from Ishikawa when we were looking for Noto sake. It is a nigorizake of the honjozo type. The rice polishing ratio is 68% and the alcohol content is 19%. It was refrigerated, but I didn't taste much, so I drank it at room temperature. The supernatant was sweet with little acidity. It is thick and mellow. It has a slightly caramel-like aroma. When the nigori ingredients are mixed in, the acidity and astringency become stronger, but it is better to mix them in. Although it has a sugar content of 12.1%, it feels slightly dry due to its high alcohol content.