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On a drive from Yamanashi to Gifu to Aichi, I found a bottle I had never seen before at a liquor store in Yamanashi & bought it to try. Kuzuboshi" by Taikan Shuzo, Yamanashi It is a bottle of Yamadanishiki rice produced in Yamanashi Prefecture, but reduced to 50% and finished to Junmai Daiginjo specs. However, it is not good if it is cheap or tasteless, but when I took a sip, I said, "This is delicious! The first sip has a clean but firm mouthfeel like bananas and apples. After gulping down the wine, you can enjoy the acidity and umami, and the sake goes down smoothly. There is a complex taste afterwards, but if you think of it as a characteristic, you will find it to be superb! It makes me happy when I find such a delicious recommended sake that is only available in my hometown! I would like to buy another bottle when I see it again! Polishing ratio: 50% (Yamadanishiki from Yamanashi Prefecture) Alcohol content: 16.5
Kumakichi Hi 😃This sake is very impressive...I got it at a liquor store in Yamanashi before. I got it at a liquor store in Yamanashi before. Costa is the best!
Good evening, brother! This sake was a surprise! The naming and that comment had me buying it just to try it out, and I hit the jackpot! It's hard to beat this cosmetics.
Kuzusei by Taikan Shuzo. It seems to be so little distributed that it is not registered as a brand name. The sweetness is well pronounced, yet it is sharp. This is delicious. ★★★★★