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Brands from Shimaoka Shuzo

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群馬泉 山廃酛純米(島岡酒造 群馬県太田市由良町) | 日本酒専門WEBメディア「SAKETIMES」

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Usu Midori is a brand name shipped around the time of fresh green leaves from a brewery known for its Gunma Izumi. It's hard to find near me and I'm glad ☺️but this was shipped last year. The taste is deepened and the brewery is good at maturing, so even if it is heated up, the taste does not collapse, but rather opens up. The aroma, umami, and pleasant lingering bitterness that was hard to detect when cold was born. The aroma, umami, and pleasant bitter aftertaste, which were hard to detect when served cold, are created, and it fits into your body smoothly. And even though it is a junmai ginjo, it is a daiginjo because it is 50% polished! Such depth for such a polished wine. Delicious ✨

Brands from Shimaoka Shuzo