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Brands from Michizakura Shuzo

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みちこざくら Check-in 1みちこざくら Check-in 2
The price is 4,400 yen, including a donation of 1,500 yen to the Yuki Brewery. Even without the donation, it is still expensive. If it's 2900 yen for a four-pack, it's almost the same as my favorite, Yamazakura Momo, which costs 3000 yen. How does it taste? It has a yellowish color and a thick texture. It has a Yui-like sweetness, followed by a light acidity and a slightly stronger astringency. It has a flatter impression than Yui, but the astringency is stronger, so it has a good cohesiveness. The sweetness and umami of Omachi is in full bloom, so although it is flat, it is still very drinkable. It was delicious. However, I think it is expensive even if it is priced at 2,900 yen. 6.8 Considering the price, I give it this rating.

Brands from Michizakura Shuzo
