SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites


2024年 元日朝しぼり純米大吟醸
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Mutsumi by Kaganoi Shuzo. This sake is part of a series of junmai daiginjos that Aeon Liquor is developing in collaboration with breweries across Japan. When I went to Aeon Liquor on New Year's Day, they had an in-store tasting and told me that they had pressed it directly into bottles that morning and brought it on the bullet train. When I tasted it, I found it to be fruity and full-bodied, a taste I liked, so I bought it. I could really taste the fresh, unpasteurized sake, and it had a thick, tangy, sweet taste. Delicious!
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I've been slacking on updating "Sake no Wa" for a while now, but I thought I'd post some of the drinks I've had in the past. It's just a reminder of what I've been drinking, but I hope it's of some help. Here's some sake from Itoigawa in Echigo, which I drank in July. This is a sake brewery that is doing its best to keep up with the great Itoigawa fire. It is a sake from Echigo, which is the headquarters of the light and dry style of sake, but it is quite flavorful and not too strong. To be honest, I didn't have high expectations for this sake because it was on special sale at AEON Liquor, but it was a well-balanced and delicious sake.

Brands from Kaganoi Shuzo