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Brands from Michizakura Shuzo

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<Kura Collaboration - Rich sweetness and firm bitterness This sake was brewed by Michiko Urasato, the toji at Yuki Shuzo in Ibaraki Prefecture, who recently disappeared due to family matters, at the Michizakura Brewery in Hokkaido. Michiko x Sanzen Sakura = Michikozakura! The aroma is peach fruity with a hint of bitter alu-howan. On the palate, it is sweet and bitter from the start. The rich sweetness of banana melon full of sugar and a firm bitterness. Yum! The aftertaste is also rich in sweetness and continues slowly. It also goes well with cream cheese chicken nuggets. However, it is a little different from the equal sake and food pairing. The strength of Michikozakura-san's flavor combines with the cheese and chicken to make it even more delicious. If I were to use a Ghibli analogy, it would be Okiyo from "Heisei Raccoon War Ponpoko". She is the girlfriend of the main character, Shokichi. She's a raccoon dog, but she's cute! I want to mooch on her belly! Okiyo and Shokichi survive and mix with human society even after the story is over. I hope Yuki Brewery survives and revives too! I'm rooting for you! Satisfaction: ★★★★ *I will post the full version on my blog, supplemented with character images, etc. If you like, please search for "korune sake" or visit us from the link in the profile section.

Brands from Michizakura Shuzo