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Brands from 吉久保酒造


3-chōme-9-5 Honchō, Mito, Ibaraki
map of 吉久保酒造
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alt 1
Alcohol content: 15%. I have long been curious about this sake, as it is said to be a sake made exclusively for mackerel, designed to make mackerel even tastier. Was it seared mackerel? We had it together. It seemed to wrap up the fatty mackerel and its unique smell. There are two other sake brands, one dedicated to salmon from the same Yoshikubo Sake Brewery and another dedicated to yellowtail from Niigata's Obata Sake Brewery, so I am curious about those as well. Actually, I am not very good at eating fish, but I have learned to enjoy it with sake. At Fujiki Shoten in Ikebukuro.

Brands from 吉久保酒造