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I bought it at Iizuka Sake Shop when I visited Tsuchiura for the first time in about a year since a certain manga event. The love for Raifuku is so strong here that you can find anything you need (except for Raifuku, of course), so if you are ever in the area, be sure to stop by. Unlike the Raifuku I had imagined, this is a dry sparkling sake with a refreshingly dry taste. If you're not careful, you can end up drinking a lot of it. I have to slow down now that I have to take a re-inspection... The reason I visited Tsuchiura was to go to Chiyoda PA on a business trip, but it was tougher than I expected to travel more than 30 minutes by bicycle in this hot weather; It was probably the first time in my life that I felt the danger of heat stroke.